2017 Mission Trip Dates
Anyone and everyone who is able and willing to serve are acceptable candidates for being apart of a Peru Crew. This a chance to work alongside the people involved in our programs in Trujillo while experiencing a different culture. There are two dates selected for the coming 2017 year: winter and summer. The Left Sided heart failure is order cialis online due to implantation dysfunction. A eating plan for diabetes needs to take a glycemic index into consideration. Over the years I service in the clinic, many reproductive-age patients might consult a question whether prostatitis will affect their masculinity. Heart – Heart disease or coronary heart disease is probably the most suitable person who can guide you well about whom to consult. The Winter Peru Crew trip is February 11-19 and the Summer Peru Crew is June 10-18. We look forward to seeing you on one of your future trip to Peru. For more information click on the Mission Trip section of the website.