Girls Just Having Fun In Service

13882473_1778882262333385_1576635216573942272_nAnn Gorsuch, a long-term volunteer in 2015, returned to help lead the Christ Community Church in their week of service this month. Below is her retelling of the week.

Remember the song “Girls Just Want to Have Fun”? Well, that’s how I felt about this mission trip to Peru. Every member of the team was full of joy and energy ready to serve the Lord and share the good news about Jesus Christ. With the Christ Community Church team of seven ladies from three different states we accomplished a lot in one short week. We visited both Hilos y Semillas women ministry sites and decorated bags they can use to store yarn and supplies. We went to Pastor Jesus and Tracy’s El Milagro Church three days in a row and put on 3 dramas, games, crafts, and bible lessons for the kids. Through these vacation bible school events the Lord has brought many children and their parents into regular attendance at this church. At Hogar Luz de Vida we cleaned stairs and walls, refinished the garage door, organized the supply closet, and moved the Hilos y Semillas materials into a newly furnished office on the 4th floor.

Another big part of the trip was the Timothy Initiative bible/book study with the youth group. Everyone had a part preparing and putting on the study and through it we encouraged the youth to share their testimonies of how they came to Christ and then to share it with others. We could feel the Holy Spirit working in the hearts of the youth and ask for prayer that each youth would seek God and his path for them.  
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The following news may come as a shock to those who have been on previous trips, but we didn’t go to Rocky’s or eat Pollo a la Brasa with the youth this year! Instead we brought the whole crew to Mordiscos, a seafood restaurant where Eyni (one of the girls in our program) is interning as a chef. She did a great job preparing our food. We also attended an impromptu Christian youth concert with the girls in the house. It was so encouraging to sing praise with so many hearts on fire for God. Lastly, we visited the Nuevas Pasos Orphanage where we helped them paint the walls of their dining hall and learned about the different outreach programs they are involved in.

It’s hard to describe the bond that was created between the 7 of us through all the laughing, sweating, praying, bumpy rides, and lost in translation moments, but I think I can say that each of us came away with a greater love for Christ and each other. Our greatest hope is that the impact of this trip wouldn’t stay in Peru, but that it would encourage others to draw closer to Christ and then share his gift of salvation with others.

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