Director sits on Regional Board
Liz Bernuy, the director of our new project and youth transitional home, Hogar Luz de Vida, was asked to sit on the Board of Directors for La RED Cenares, an organization that unites and speaks as the voice for all orphanages throughout the Libertad Region of Perú. La RED Cenares works with 14 residential orphanages and homes, which our project, Hogar Luz de Vida, is a member. Their goal is to help support centers that work with abandoned and at-risk children and are working towards spreading out to all regions of Perú. The experts suggest ED sufferers consume drug at least 30 minutes prior to the sexual activity. You can use these herbal pills without any fear of side effects. However, it is an imperative for the tobacco companies to extend their empathy towards their loyal consumers by helping them know what exactly premature ejaculation means. Knowing your alternatives is some piece of being overall educated, however so is speaking with your expert adequately. Liz has accepted the role of treasurer for RED Cenares and was invited to represent the region at a conference in Lima where she presented information, organization goals and concerns to the national MIMDES office (Department of Women and Social Development.)
As a board member for Red Cenares, Liz is part of a team working to network with the local and regional governments to begin new programs that will support, advocate for, and enforce the rights of children and youth. Through Red Cenares, Liz has been able to connect with the director of the Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción de Empleo (Department of Labor) in Trujillo and has had several meetings in regards to ways he can help support our project. Dr. Ramiro Ferradas Caballero, the director (pictured above with Liz) has agreed to help us obtain a Certi Joven, which is a document that allows our youth to be entered into a pool of recommended future employees, who are then connected to companies who are able to provide work and benefits.