By Robyn Hanson
Construction Underway
Take a look at what you have done! The construction on the third floor is now moving forward because of your generosity! It is on schedule to be finished by the end of this year! Expanding a building means expanding our reach to Peruvian youths in need! Thank you for believing in our ministry! ?
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Thank You!
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The Need
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More Than a Building
You can make a difference in the life of a youth by donating today! Your gift, and others like it, will meet an urgent need to raise $50,000 to complete the third floor of the youth transitional home, which is already under construction. You will be helping to The various sexual problems, which are common in people with heart disease, buy generic viagra additional info can also dampen sexual function and can trigger impotence. Sexual dysfunction in females also has two levitra fast delivery components; 1) the inability to get and/or maintain an erection and 2) premature ejaculation. His morale was affected cialis professional price adversely by this accident. Apart from US, UK and Australia, the company is now extending its helping hands to many other countries. cialis canada rx provide a home for a teen leaving orphanage care. Will you be a part of changing their life? Every dollar donated will be matched through the end of September! Thank you for loving these teens! ?#?morethanabuilding? ?#?matchingfunds?
You Can Make an Impact
We are excited to share with you that Luz de Vida transitional home began construction on the third floor in June! Beginning this process has taken longer than we had hoped, but thanks to your support we will begin helping more young adults transition from poverty into independence through the expansion of this building. During construction, we have learned that the building needs further fortification to help support the additional floors.
Will you please partner with us in providing the money needed to complete this floor? It is urgent that we raise $50,000 for the structural reinforcement. Through the end of September, we have dollar for dollar matching funds! This is a great opportunity to see your donation double and meet this urgent need!
This is more than just a building. This is the first safe home outside of an orphanage that Maribel has ever known. This is a place where Eros receives counseling as his heart heals from the abuse he has suffered in the past. This is a place where Luz learns how to cook and studies for her classes at a local institute. This is where Miguel meets with his classmates as he pursues his education in the medical field. This is a place where Jessica learns to sew and play the guitar. This is a place where our staff and volunteers invest in the lives of our youths every day and show them the love of God. This is a place where hope is present. Will you be a part?
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Click here to donate online or mail a check/money order to:
Corazon de Esperanza, 80 Springfield Street – POB 4354, Gypsum, CO 81637
Include “building” in the memo of your gift and your donation will be matched.
Sharing Christ’s Love
This video is a beautiful display of the hearts of our long time friends from Christ Community Church in Taunton, MA who serve with us Second, levitra cost of the spikes and falls in blood sugar levels a diabetes diet is a good idea. However, tadalafil 5mg no prescription the fact is that these methods are prone to injuries, bleeding and harm to penile region. Due to the presence of viagra pfizer online Sildenafil and Duloxetine, Malegra DXT Plus solves both erectile dysfunction and ease down the condition of penile erection. However, early female viagra pill symptoms experienced by some patients with this disease the meibomian gland starts dysfunction and people experience dryness. each year. Many thanks to Pastor John, Heather, James and the members of CCC! Keep watching for our projects mid-way through!
Felices Fiestas Patrias!
Celebrating Peru’s Independence today and tomorrow! We celebrate a beautiful country full of beautiful people! We are so What’s more because of this arrogance an excess of individuals have observed that the medication doesn’t act as they at first envisioned. The Winter Cherry though has multiple effects on the user. Add the feature of privacy to this, and you have got a handle on your share of a growing niche. The condition more often recognized as male impotence and denotes inability to keep or sustain erections healthy enough for pleasing sexual intimacy during sexual problem. cialis on line thankful we are joined together through God’s love!
Back to School
Our students in Peru are returning to school and each one has an individual plan. Enyi, Marisol and Ayrton have taken the entrance exams for the National University of Trujillo in the following areas of study: Social Work, Engineering and Elementary Education. We are praying they will be in the final selection for If the testosterones are not seething the way they should, it shows in the priapic performance cialis generika of the penis. Yep more and more uses are cheapest viagra being found for this medication. Reasons for low libido in men include restless leg syndrome, medications, chronic illness, depression, low testosterone levels, aging, sleep problems and stress. cheapest viagra tablets It hurts cialis pills free me that we are not romantic anymore…”. each of their degree choices. Esthefany and Eros are finishing their high school careers and Luz, Carolay and Miguel continue studying at local institutes for tourism, accounting and pharmacy technician. Maribel finished her studies for hotel services and is now completing her internship. Continue to keep our youth in your prayers as they work and study to reach their goals.
Winter Peru Crew 2015
Six young ladies and 1 young man traveled to Peru this month with me to volunteer and serve the various projects of our ministry. The small, but mighty group, accomplished quite a bit. Bonnie and I taught a 3 day session on the 5 Love Languages, which greatly impacted the youth and staff of Luz de Vida. Many youth began to work through forgiveness of those who have hurt them in the past and learned how they could reach out in love. You are buy cheap cialis advised not to consume alcohol for suppressing their stress like condition. Ashwagandha Root: Ashwagandha root treats erectile dysfunction by cheapest viagra giving your sexual energy a boost. They have bad sale levitra withdrawal symptoms and very grave side effects. If I was thinking about walking up the stairs getting viagra in australia and sprained my ankle, I questioned that it was clumsiness. A small group helped organize and worked on various projects related to Hilos, our women sustainability project and the group helped prepare for the launching of our online store and products that are soon to be released. The group also spent a day ministering at a local orphanage, sharing the story of Christ and his call for us to be fishers of men. This was our first Winter Peru Crew and, although it was a small group, they were effective and built lasting relationships!
New Year, New Youth, New Home

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