CdE Blessings

unnamed-3-version-2It is during this time we reflect on the year and give thanks for the many blessings God has given us. And Corazon de Esperanza is no exception to these blessings. We started the year with the completion of the third floor of the transitional home. We are thankful to the many supporters of this building project and those who supplied funds for the house items needed to furnish this new area. The 6 groups who visited the site in Trujillo were also appreciative. We were thankful so many groups were able to serve with and see the youth, women, and programs our organization has to offer to those in Peru. In some online viagra no prescription of the studies, daily doses were used for treating men with erectile dysfunction condition. And now it is one of the biggest lowest prices viagra industry. Hobbies and recreation are also parts of a healthy cialis order levitra life. I thought that I would never hear of anything similar to this situation but I was wrong. cialis bulk These groups were not the only people that learned more about our programs, but the staff of Luz de Vida were asked to make a presentation at a government forum to educate city officials on other options for teens who need extra help in their city. As the awareness of the transitional home is becoming more knowledgeable in Peru, so are the handmade items from our women’s program, Hilos y Semillas. People in the United States are seeing and purchasing more of these items with the additional appearances at craft fairs and the opening of the online store. Overall we are most thankful for all our supporters and volunteers whether you are providing financial support or giving of your time either in Peru or the US. Thank you to you all. Happy Thanksgiving from Corazon de Esperanza!

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