Contact Us
For more information or questions you may have about Corazón de Esperanza, please contact us directly via email at Financial contributions can be made by check or cashier’s check and are tax deductible. To make a secure online donation please click here. All donations go towards helping each of our projects.
Corazón de Esperanza
80 Springfield Street,
POB 4354
Gypsum, Colorado
(303) 801-8958

To Contact Us Within Perú…
Please do not send financial contributions through the postal service directly to Peru. If within Peru, contributions can be made directly through the Peruvian bank account.
Casa Hogar Luz de Vida
Trujillo, Perú
Teléfono: (44) 776277

Corazón de Esperanza, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to providing hope to orphaned children, at-risk teens and impoverished women of Northern Peru.
Get in Touch: 80 Springfield Street, POB 4354 Gypsum, Colorado 81637 (303) 801-8958