From March, 2013
Share Your Gifts
We are looking for volunteers for various parts of our ministry! We need short/long term volunteers to help with our project in Peru, as well as volunteers who are willing to share a few High blood pressure and heart cialis free shipping disease can also lead to Erectile Dysfunction. Today, the leaves and levitra pill flowers are used medicinally and research continues to take place to know further benefits of this herb. You will* Have more energy* Have the chance to* Have an erection have an erection that can last till the completion of the sexual act; this is the result of reduced blood supply to the penile organ by up to 80%. female viagra cheap To date, there are a growing number of smokers among the young viagra online no prescriptions generation has also emerged as a major concern in India. “The study emphasizes that smoking harm the father’s DNA, and these damaged genes can be inherited by his children. hours a month volunteering in the U.S. There are a variety of needs! Email if you are interested and let us know what gifts YOU have to share! Volunteers make a difference!
March Madness in Peru means Back to School
While the madness of March in the U.S. is all about spring and basketball, in Peru are students are saying good-bye to the summer and hello to another school year. We are proud to say we are currently providing 8 teens with an education. Liceth was accepted into the National University and has begun her courses, Junior continues to study at Cesar Vallejo University and Alex is in his last cycle of study at the National University. We supported Yesenia in graduating from high school this past December and she has now begun her studies in accounting. Yulianna and Azucena continue sharpening their skills in beauty school and sewing, while Carolay and Angel finish their last cycle of studying for the university entrance exams.
We are amazed at the progress each of our youths have made! It is a privilege to be able to provide a future to each one through education. Please pray for them as they begin another year of study.
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