From December, 2014

Will You Partner With Us?

Give $30 Monthly

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Give $50 Monthly

Give $100 Monthly

In 2014 our ministry has seen an increase in youth applicants for our transitional home and educational scholarship program. To continue reaching the people of Perú, Corazón de Esperanza depends on monthly partners to help us meet the ongoing operating costs of the Hogar Luz de Vida youth transitional home, our educational scholarship program, and women’s sustainability program. We currently need to raise an additional $5,000 of monthly financial support to achieve our budget and keep our programs running. Would you consider partnering with us through a monthly donation of $30-$100 and allow your contribution to change the lives of youth like Alex? If you would like to become a monthly partner, please click one of the links below to sign up for online giving via PayPal. Your partnership is crucial in helping us continue meeting the needs of the people in Northern Perú. Thank you for considering being a part of their success!  All donations are tax deductable and may be sent to:

Corazón de Esperanza
80 Springfield Street, POB 4354
Gypsum, Colorado 81637

Contributions are solicited with the understanding that CdE has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.

Giving Back

  v6tq_xmasoutreach6_1The youth and women in our programs celebrated Christmas by giving.  They arranged a chocolatada and show for children of el Cerro de Virgen outside of Trujillo. v6tq_xmasoutreach5_1 The youth in our program planned every detail of the fiesta, including sharing the Gospel message with the children, coordinating snacks with the women in our Hilos project and collecting toys and gifts from local churches and business.  v6tq_xmasoutreach_1New Year’s will be celebrated by welcoming three new girls into the transitional home and several new youth will receive educational scholarships for the upcoming year!  So many blessing to celebrate!  Thank you for investing in the lives of these youth, children and women!

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